This clip starts out where Scene 1 ended. Drusilla endures her ultimate bondage as I tighten every bounds up that look loose. I as well snip away the excess ends of 1 greater amount restrains, and add a small in number greater amount. Drusilla’s jaw at last gets a break, when I remove her ballgag, but this is short lived as I instantly replace it with an open throat Jennings gag. I clamp the tip of her tongue as I plan on tying it, but once I realize how short it is I come to a decision to bound up the clamp to her ankles in preference to. Once I pull her head back and restrain it off, utilizing the legs in the pantyhose this gal is hooded with, the clamp slips off her tongue, but we obtain a fantastic reaction as it does. I decided this I did not desire to spend the time trying to obtain her tongue chained at that point, so I left her tongue free. I wrap black tape around her forehead and beneath her nose as I like the way it looks and Drusilla has to breathe throughout this her oral cavity. I clamp both of her teats and then hang a padlock from any 1. I bring out my Canadian jail strap and proceed to strap Drusilla’s good round ass which seems to be begging for it. Judging by her reactions, I believe babe prefers my hand. Really maid asked for another hand spanking earlier, which I ignored… I as an alternative make her ask me for 1 more swing of the strap. I combined some pleasant slow motion shots of the strapping and subsequent yelps and weeps. Shortly after after, her right nipple clamp slides off, so I come to a decision to give that tit some attention with a long thin wooden paddle (it’s unquestionably a shoe horn, lol). Now appears to be like a good time to tighten up her strappado. I tighten up the zipties pulling her arms overhead a scarcely any inches and Drusilla moans as babe adapts to the strain and pull. I step away for a while just to watch Drusilla suffer for our enjoyment. I eventually return as I do like the sounds this female emits as I slap her fastened and clamped tits. They obtain much greater amount attention with the wooden shoe horn. I give each of her ass cheeks a little attention with it as well, before I turn her so we can all accept a a variety of view of her tight skin in even tighter bondage. That is where Episode 2 ends.
Format: mp4
Duration: 26:37
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 2904kbps
Audio: 125kbps