This clip starts out where Part 1 ended… I stand Alice up and make her stand up against the post. I smack her ass maximum several times. I unite a neck string and bind it up high to a ring bolted through the post. I manhandle her a bit greater amount before I start smacking her ass again. I put the cords I fastened to her ankles to use now. I make her widen her legs as I restrain them off to the table legs. The spanking then begins again. The 2×4 bolted at the end of the table is acquiring in my way, so I quickly remove it and then I take off my thong. I begin whipping Alice’s ass with that now. Her thighs accept a scarcely any slaps formerly I pull her stretchy pants down. I begin another time smacking her ass with my hand. After that lasts for a while, I switch back to the thong. I squeeze her fastened and clamped tits for a bit before I combine more rope to her upper skin in preparation for her hogtie later. I untie her legs from the table and turn her around. That is where Scene 2 ends.
Format: Wm
Duration: 13:23
Video: 1280×720, Windows media Video 9, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps