You hear the pitter patter of high heels across the concrete floor. Moxie, gagged with a enormous red ballgag, enters the scene with me right behindhand her. I have a handful of her hair as I guide her where I desire her. When we stop I fondle her and then smack her ass. Her wrists are strapped behind her back and gal has a rope around her neck. I restrain it off overhead. I then begin binding her legs. I begin with a crotchrope and then begin working my way down. It’s not long formerly her legs are absolutely tied in 6 locations. I take a break and spend some greater amount time groping and manhandling Moxie. I then tighten up her neckrope as it definitely has to much slack in it. I walk away briefly. Moxie wobbles trying to keep her balance. I return and begin manhandling her again. I rip open her shirt and prolong groping and squeezing her immediately uncovered tits. I remove the neckrope and sit her in a stool. I remove her ballgag. I then begin adding more rope to her upper flesh. I combine a chest harness and then thoroughly fix her elbows and forearms jointly. Once I’m done adding string, I walk away. Moxie struggles and exams the cords. Moxie certainly seemed to be enjoying herself in that clip. Perfect expressions throughout the clip. This changes a little bit in Part 2.
Format: mp4
Duration: 35:23
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 2899kbps
Audio: 120kbps