Portion 1 ended where this picture ends… I pass along her gag to Safa by using an enormous washing brush. After I finish dark tape around her head to ensure that the whole thing is in her kisser, I place it there. She is there to continue my arrangements. It’s never much originally I can tell this she’s not performing to well with the gag. I take it out quickly. Her gaze are liquid, and I give her a few moments to recover. Instead, I use a ballgag I strapped in. She therefore begins tittering her and removes her attractive dress. Maiden enjoys the experience of this as well because it is their first restraint always. I grope her bound nipples and nips and seize her by her hair once more. I placed Safa on the floor immediately after that. Like a hogtie, I slammed her straight in the back. Therefore I restrain her from reaching up to her neck, sort of like a balltie. You can tell by the way the woman moans as I series her into place that Safa is not very adaptable. I put her in transit. She’s struggling, and I’m angry. I’d like to see more work put forth. I have a narrow wooded swim( in reality a sturdy shorehorn) and I suggest her some motivation by slapping her feet and nipples with it. Chick begs me to accomplish throughout that her gag and child in nature begins struggling immediately! I’d venture to say that sweetheart is probably not interested in that aspect of the shot. After a while, I decide to leave her again more. Gal finally stops struggling again, so I teat lock her. Hottie truly begins struggling another day!! Damsel begs me to take them out and bawls. I consider myself to be a magnificent man. She will fight for a while on the filthy concrete floor. She later gets untied, and I get rid of her gag. As the woman returns and works her neck, I play with her set nipples.
Format: Windows media
Duration: 25:48
Video: 1280×720, Wm Movie 9, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps