Crystal is my next door neighbor. Cutie came out and bitched when a friend of mine parked on a public street in front of her dwelling for a small in number hours. I told her I’d be greater amount than happy to assist her with her problem and invited her over. Her problem in my eyes is her bitchiness. I ballgag her, bind her arms behindhand her back and then hang her upside down in the dark for an hour or so. The clip starts with Crystal hanging in a dimly lit room. Cutie struggles, screams and whimpers for a bit, before I come pay her a visit. I slap her nice tan ass a few times, formerly I go and turn the lights on so I can greater see what I am doing. I then rip open her top, revealing her fancy expensive looking red bra. I stuff with her for a while longer…spinning her, groping and spanking her. Next I obtain greater amount cord and add a crotchrope. I bound up it to a 45lb burden on the floor below her. I fix a continuance of string in her hair next, but I let it dangle for instantly. One greater amount cord is strapped to her crotchrope from behindhand and I pull it stern and restrain it off to a hitching ring bolted to the wall. This tightens the crotchrope even greater amount. I remove her tits from her bra and give every one a scarcely any audio slaps. Crystal’s hair string is immediately chained to the 45lb burden likewise and then to a hitching ring bolted to the floor, so it can’t slip back and loosen. I manhandle her a bit more before I leave her hanging. I return shortly and find that her screams and shouts have slowly subsided into beautiful little barely audible whimpers. I remove her gag and chick says nothing. I think my little exorcism for bitchiness was a success!
Format: mp4
Duration: 15:05
Video: 640×480, AVC (H.264), 2924kbps
Audio: 117kbps