Color of My Sound is a Sci-Fi, Espionage, Drama, Appetizing visual novel set in an genuine setting. It’s a universe chock full of potential for character drama, conspiracies, espionage, intrigue and action. The story began when a rebellion on an unprecedented scale erupted across the Empire’s worlds and humanity faces an uncertain future for the 1st time since the Empire’s inception. The infamous day has abruptly altered the lives of many, including our protagonist. Follow the story of the Officer, as chap carefully manoeuvres around the machinations of a variety of powers of the Empire, every vying for his allegiance or . As the commanding officer of Special Operations Squad "Nu", form camaraderie, rivalry, and even romance with your team members. Careful, every member has their own hidden agendas and personal stake. Pay careful attention, trust no one, you will need to earn the loyalty, perhaps even love of each member to survive that journey.
Release Date: 12 November 2023
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Harem, Teasing, Vaginal sex
Version: 7.0 Final Chapter 2.0
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
Total size: 5.5 GB in 2 files.