Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance

Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM

After the yearly Night in the Park party city, Johnny and I are back. And after kicking up my 5-inch shoes all day, I’m worn out! However, despite wearing a stunning pink dress and having my breasts xxxx up to create an attractive cleavage, I nevertheless appear slim. My bag is placed on the ottoman as I pass the dining room table. With some sweet light series, Johnny is only about two seconds behind me. I’m lifted up onto our much, modern dining room table by this chub as it pulls me back inside. To stifle any problems, Johnny shoves a saddle game gag into my lips. I’m never whining, though. I agree to get off my feet and take a short nap on the table. I therefore sat down on the table with concern. Finally, as I gladly squirm, the man fixes me by spreading an eagle with wire to the table’s feet. The man pulls out the film camera and scans my stocking-clad legs, up my upper system tightly trussed up in a corset and dress, and up the top body revealing beautiful cleavage before focusing on the fetching harness gag because he doesn’t want to forget how wonderful I look tonight in pink.

Format: Windows media
Duration: 4:01
Video: 1280×720, Wm Video 9, 3906kbps
Audio: 187kbps

Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM
Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM

Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM
Video clip size: 113.8 MB

Pretty in Pink BDSM after the Dance BDSM

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